Monday, May 08, 2006

What is this "BLOG?"

Wow, this is my first endeavour in this scene. Let's see where it takes us.


Lubomir said...

Let me be the first to say I'm glad you're blogging. Nice inks, keep 'em comin'!

Robert Rodas said...

Thanks, dude. Hopefully more to come very soon.

Unknown said...

If someone makes Street Fighter into an animated series they had better hire you! You have those characters down perfectly.

Robert Rodas said...

Thanks, Dan....I wish Capcom would give me a chance.

Robert Rodas said...
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Ken Chandler said...

This is an incredible piece. Love the line quality, and the character design. Nice dynamics too.

Robert Rodas said...

Your comments are much appreciated. Thanks everybody!

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog. Amazing work! If Capcom won't give you an animated series, you should at least try to get some pin up/cover work for Udon (they publish capcom comics don't they?).
