Monday, January 05, 2009

It's time to start posting again. It is the new year after all. I'd like to start with a portrait I did of my friend's grandmother. He wanted to give her something special and asked me to do this for him. I would like to share it with everybody in the hopes that I would be posting more of these portraits as I complete them. Peace to all and Happy New Year!


Ryan van der Draaij said...

Wow, you're back on the blog! It's only been 2 years...ha ha. Awesome portrait. How's "City of Ghouls" coming along?

Robert Rodas said...

Thanks Ryan... Things are well, man. COG has been on the crawl mode for now. I think me and Geoff are hitting a bit of busy times, but no worries. glad to hear from you, dude! How've you been? Are you on Facebook at all? And did you have a second baby already? Lot's of questions man, sorry.

Unknown said...

Nice work Rob! Your stuff has always inspired me to keep drawing.

Sara Jane Saba said...

Great job. Your depiction elicits the respect a grandma deserves. You must have made your friend so proud.